CQL hosts the Council of Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) group touring Food Facilities around Bryan/College Station. CAST had its annual meeting and celebrated its 50th year anniversary, and former Board Dr. David D. Baltensperger (Professor and Department head, Soil and Crops) is hosting the event.
CQL members Gabrielle Scott, Chen Chen, Cyprian Syeunda, and Toyosi George participated in the Cereals and Grains Association annual Conference in Chicago.
New graduate students Emma Whaley from Dallas and Evans Wanyama from Kenya joined CQL.
CQL members participated in the IFT’s first Conference in Chicago.
Cyprian Syeunda, a Food Science and Technology Ph.D. Candidate under Dr. Joseph Awika received 1st place in the annual IFT Food Chemistry Division Graduate Student Oral competition for his research work “Effect of cereal-derived flavonoids on Maillard reaction product formation.”
Tadesse Teferra participated in the ‘Sorghum in the 21st Century’ conference in Montpelier, France, as part of the Sorghum and Millet Innovation Lab (SMIL) project.
Graduation and new student workers
CQL member Suleiman Althawab received his PhD in Food Science and Technology. Kylee, Catherine, and Corey were the three student workers (Food Science and technology majors) who are joining the lab as summer student workers. The student workers will be trained and work on wheat quality during the summer.
Short Course
A short course on snack foods processing was delivered to participants from different industries. The CQL members demonstrated the different raw and processed materials using various testing methods.
New member joins CQL
Tadesse Fikre Teferra joins CQL as a Postdoctoral Research Associate from Hawassa University, Ethiopia. Tadesse will be working on the fates of polyphenols in the human body under the mentorship of Dr. Awika.
Suleiman, Cyprian, Gabbrielle, Chen, and Toyosi participated and presented their research at the annual Cereal and Grains conference in Minneapolis. Delighted to congratulate Gabrielle Scott for emerging the Third Best in the Best Student Research Paper co
September 2022
Dr Abadi Mezgebe, visiting researcher(Assistant Professor) with a Fullbright Scholar from Hawassa University, Ethiopia, joined the Cereal Quality Laboratory. He will be profiling various cereals locally grown and consumed in Ethiopia with the view of diversifying their food applications.
July 2022
Katherine Le successfully defended her master’s thesis. Katherine currently works with Pecan Deluxe Candy Co. in Dallas, TX.
June 2022
Cereal Quality Laboratory successfully held the annual short course on Snack food processing.
June 2022

Katherine Le Mere, Gabrielle Scott, Cyprian Syeunda, and Suleiman Althawab presented their research at IFT First in Chicago. Delighted to congratulate Gabriel Scott, who emerged 3rd best in the IFT Carbohydrate Division Graduate student paper competition.
March 2022
Cyprian and Toyosi participated in the Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America (SICNA) held in Dallas

December 2021
Jazmin Garcia Lujanjoined Fujifilm. We wish Jazmin all the best
August 2021
Chen Chen and Toyosi Timilehin George joined the Cereal Quality Lab to pursue their Doctoral degree in Food Science and Technology.
May 2021
Jazmin Garcia joined the Cereal Quality Lab as a Research Associate.
March 2021
Dr. Awika received the 2021 IFT Achievement Award for International Food Security
December 2020
Julia Brantsen received her doctoral degree in Food Science and Technology from Texas A&M. Dr. Brantsen is currently a Research Scientist at General Mills, Congratulations Dr Brantsen.
Kaitlyn Hankins Successfully defended her Master’s thesis, awaiting graduation in spring 2021
Suleiman and Cyprian participated in the Cereal and Grains Association 2020 online meeting. They both presented posters on their respective research work.
August 2020
Audrey Girard got an appointment as an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
August 2020
Katherine Le Mereand Gabrielle Scott joined the Cereal Quality Lab to pursue their master’s degrees in Food Science and Technology.
June 2020
Dr. Joseph Awika was appointed as Departmental Associate Head for the new Department of Food Science and Technology.
January 2020
Cyprian Syeunda (Ph.D. student) joined the Cereal Quality Lab.
Dec 2019
Shreeya Ravisankar received her doctoral degree in Food Science and Technology from Texas A&M. Shreeya is currently a Sr. Food Scientist at Pepsico/Frito Lay.

Nov 2019
Julia Brantsen won the Best Student Research Paper Competition at the 2019 Cereal and Grains Association (formerly AACCI) annual meeting that was held November 3-5 in Denver, CO. Other conference participants from the CQL included Joseph Awika, Audrey Girard, Suleiman Althawab, and Katie Duke.

October 2019
NFSC Department Research Symposium
Suleiman Althawab, Kaitlyn Duke, and Fariha Irshad competed in the Food Science poster competition, and Julia Brantsen competed in the oral competition. Kaitlyn placed third in the poster competition.
July 2019
Joseph Awika (3rd from left) and Audrey Girard (3rd from right) participated in the 1st International Wheat Congress in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

May 2019
Tadesse Teferra received his doctoral degree in Food Science and Technology from Texas A&M. Tadesse is now an Assistant Professor at Hawassa University in Ethiopia.

April 2019
NFSSC Nutrition symposium
Oct 2018
Joseph Awika, Audrey Girard, and Julia Brantsen participated in the American Association of Cereal Chemists International’s (AACCI) annual meeting, which was held October 21-23 in London, England.